Other Student Opportunities
NASA Fellowships

NASA Fellowships are competitive awards to support independently conceived or designed research, or senior design projects by highly qualified faculty, undergraduate, and graduate students, in disciplines needed to help advance NASA’s missions, thus affording them the opportunity to directly contribute to advancements in STEM-related areas of study. NASA Fellowship opportunities are focused on innovation, and generate measurable research results that contribute to NASA’s current and future science and technology goals.

Click here for additional information.

NASA Pathways Employee

The Pathways Program offers clear paths to Federal internships for students from high school through post-graduate; career opportunities for recent graduates; and meaningful training and career development for individuals who are at the beginning of their Federal service.

Click here for additional information.


NASA National Community College Aerospace Scholar (NCAS) Program

Are you a community college student who dreams of having a Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) career? Does it sound like fun to work on projects and share ideas with NASA engineers, educators, and scientists? Become a National Community College Aerospace Scholar (NCAS) and explore YOUR future!

The National Community College Aerospace Scholar (NCAS) Program encourages community college students to explore the exciting possibilities of careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) by engaging them in an online and hands-on NASA based team experience. Through a competitive process, applicants are required to complete web-based modules in addition to meeting basic qualifications. Selected students embark upon a 3-day onsite robotics team design challenge at a NASA Center. With this exciting STEM based experience, they will work in teams to complete the challenge, tour the NASA facilities, and interact directly with NASA astronauts, engineers and scientists! All travel and accommodation expenses are paid at no cost to the student.

Click here for additional information.

NASA Aeronautics Scholarship Program

The NASA Aeronautics Scholarship Program is open to students majoring in aeronautics related fields. Undergraduates with at least two years of study remaining are eligible to receive up to $15,000/year for two years and a summer internship with a $10,000 stipend. Graduate student awards include up to $11,000 in tuition offset, $35,000 stipend/year for two years and a summer internship with a $10,000 stipend. Applications are due March 31.

Click here for additional information.


NASA Minority University Research Education Project (MUREP) Scholarship Program

The MUREP Scholarship is a competitive opportunity that focuses on underserved and underrepresented students in STEM disciplines attending a Minority Serving Institutions, MSI. The scholarship includes 75% of tuition up to a $9,000 per academic scholarship, based on tuition amount, and $6,000 for a summer internship. Applications are due March 3.

Click here for additional information.


NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Solar System Ambassadors Program

The NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Solar System Ambassadors (SSA) Program is a nationwide network of space enthusiast volunteers. The SSA Program builds on and expands the outstanding efforts undertaken by the Galileo mission since 1997. Because of the success of the original Galileo Ambassadors program, JPL missions exploring Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Asteroids, Comets, Earth, the Sun and the Universe now come together to expand the program’s scope to the Solar System and beyond.

Applications to become a Solar System Ambassador are accepted once a year during the month of September. Successful candidates begin their one-year, renewable term of service the following January 1.

The Announcement of Opportunity and application form will be available through September 1 – 30.

Click here for additional information.


Travel Funds Available for Undergraduate and Graduate Students

The Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Fund offers $500 travel grants to undergraduate and graduate students pursuing studies in fields of space science and engineering to attend professional meetings to present their research.

Click here for additional information.


NASA Space Technology Research Fellowships
  • Open to students pursuing (or planning to pursue) Master’s or Doctoral Degrees in relevant space technology disciplines
  • U. S. citizens and permanent resident graduate student researchers are eligible to apply
  • Up to $68,000 award per year for students (starting with the Fall Term)

Click here for additional information.


Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Scholarships

Click here for additional information.

Aerospace States Association (ASA) Scholarship Program

Applicants must be an entering their sophomore or junior year and be enrolled in an undergraduate degree program pursuing study in the areas of physical sciences, engineering, or aviation or aerospace-related fields to be eligible for the $2,000 scholarship. Applications are due April 30.

Click here for additional information.